Saturday, June 12, 2010

It has been a busy couple of months for the Nunez family. Auntie Angie got married to James on May 30. The wedding was beautiful. Meagan and Lucia got to be in the wedding party. We don't have pictures yet, but we should get some good ones soon. Alonso ran the Rock 'n Roll marathon June 6. He fought some serious leg cramping and was able to finish in 4:07. He's looking forward to running more marathons in the future. This month, Alonso turns 30, and Lucia is now just a couple of months away from her second birthday. Time flies! She's learning about a word a day now and is still as active and social as ever. She just finished swim lessons and she'll be starting dance classes this month. We're exhausted often, but loving (almost) every minute of it.
Alonso ran 26.2 miles in the Rock 'n Roll marathon. Lucia cheered him on at mile 12.5, chanting Yay Dada, Yay!